🖨 Graphic Design


Welcome to the Graphics Gala! Here you can view and download my portfolio of digital graphics such as icons, logos, and desktop backgrounds.
To get started, select the category of what you would like to view below.

Many of the category subpages are still being created and are not yet complete, so many links may be blank.



Icons are very important in the digital world. When it comes to software icons specifically, the icon is supposed to display the program’s entire purpose or function in one minimalist graphic. Other icons, such as those used within operating systems serve a similar purpose, albeit, the icons can usually be more basic as they represent simpler ideas such as a drive, file type, or folder.

I like to create icons for both my software, file types I use commonly (and that don’t already have an icon of their own), and for devices I use frequently, such as my external hard disks.

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Promotional Material

Promotional material, mostly logos in my case, are ultra important when it comes to a brand or business’s image and integration. Since I run not only my own company with its own brands, I’ve been familiar with logos and how to design them for a while, disregarding the formal education I have received on logo design specifically. Some would say it’s better and easier to get a professional to make my logos, but where is the fun in that? I take pride in designing everything I make by myself and for free, with free software.

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Album Artwork

Album art can be both a logo for an album, and the visual form of what the music within the album entices–that’s practically seeing sound!
The album art for my music isn’t annoyingly simply or overbearingly complex. Rather, I feel each artwork is a generous middle-ground that is informative enough to express what the album is about, yet ominous enough to hopefully entice the user to listen to it.

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Character Assests

Character assets are a set of images or poses of my characters that I use in all of my media. The specific poses and how they are displayed for a character are important because they are what are responsible for portraying the character’s personality in just one static images. I always want to add more poses to each character, to flesh them out more with more emotions and personality, but I’ve figured that I will only make a new pose if I need one for a very specific purpose.

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Curious as to what software I use to create my graphics? I have a list of them over on the About this Website page.

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