Introducing The Green Darner Computer Software Foundation!

An Enriching Announcement

Hello humans! Today I have rather exciting news in regards to my software production and publishing. Today I am formally unveiling the new software-centric subsidiary of Abduktion Studios, as well as the new publishing name for my software: Green Darner Software Foundation!

Subsidizing Spirit

For a long while now, I’ve ran my own company, Abduktion Studios, of which I’ve used to publish all my media under, whether its my music, videos, software, educational content, or other, more personal real-world services that I provide (the latter rarely, if ever, get mentioned online). Starting in 2015, I began to publish my software under the name, with the now-defunct Windy’s Computer Tech! Windows app being the first software to be published under that name. Batchtastic Music Player was the second and more beloved software program Abduktion Studios published.

It’s recently occurred to me that the vast diversity array of my interests and the themes of the media I post and share online, which often pertain to those interests, can be overwhelming to some people. I’m interested in so many different things and I am always eager to learn more about them and talk to others about them. I don’t want to sound conceded, but I’ve noticed there are very few topics out there that flat out bore me. While there are some which are my „true passions,” like entomology, biotech, technology, and music, that everybody knows me for, I have a multitude of lesser interests like vehicular technology (cars, in simpler terms) and architecture that few know about, plus the plethora of others I have like graphic design and film. I could say that I have a more invested interest in those „true passions”, while the others I’m not as „dedicated” to per say, but they’re all so important to me and part of my identity. My website I dedicate to those true passions of mine, plus the others that are related to them and the ones I most often combine with each other.

I can’t really describe why, but I love knowing how things work and the reasons behind it. I’ve always been this way since I was a young child. As I’ve gotten older that general interest specialized into topics like entomology or synthesizers, but that primal and subsequently more general instinct is still inside of me and it is still rather powerful.

When creating the original vision for Abduktion Studios, I sort of overlooked the consequences of having an „everything brand.” The most prevalent being those being brand confusion, where a company makes so many different products spanning many different industries where the company becomes stagnant or unnoticed, and an ironic lack of diversity in the individual identities of my creations and products.

I don’t want to give up my interests, nor do I want to give up pursuing them and sharing them with others, but I also want them to have their own unique identity that’s relevant to them in a professional and modern way, which is why I’ve started subsidizing my creations, starting with Green Darner Computer Software Foundation, and Abduktion Studios being the continual uniting force and name it has been for all of my media and projects.

What’s in a Name? Etymology of a Brand Name

Abduktion Studios Media Group

Because of this change in the distribution of my media, Abduktion Studios is also receiving a minor revision in its own name, now being formally known as Abduktion Studios Media Group (stylized in capitals as ABDUKTION STUDIOS MEDIA GROUP), yet still being most commonly referred to as simply Abduktion Studios through its logo and most promotional material. This practice of shortening a company’s name is actually quite common among the business world. For example, ASUS is actually formally known as ASUSTeK Computer, yet in most instances of marketing and the graphical representation of the company, it’s simply known as „ASUS.” I specifically chose the suffix of „media group” since it not only sounds professional, but it also perfectly exemplifies what the company is: a group of, in this case, subsidized companies, that produce media.

Abduktion Studio’s logo when utilizing the full name of the organization.

Green Darner Computer Software Foundation

The name for this new company doesn’t really have that much in terms of a complicated back story. I wanted a name that sounded friendly, professional, clearly stated the company’s purpose or vision (that being a non-profit organization providing free and open-source software), and that was named after a species in my favourite order of insects: Odonata, the dragonflies and damselflies.

The „Computer Software” portion of the name is self-explanatory. It’s a computer software company, which is obviously reflected in the name.

„Green Darner” is the vernacular (common) name of one of my favourite dragonfly species, Anax junius. Green is my favourite colour, and a dragonfly is a great insect-based metaphor for the open-source and non-profit nature of the company, as it represents freedom–the primary ideal that the company centers around, while also coming off as „cool” to some.

The green darner (Anax junius), the name sake of the foundation.

The „Foundation” part of the name not only provides a friendly first impression of the company, but it also reinforces the idea that the company is not a typical for-profit and monopolist corporation.

I’m quite pleased with the name. Even just the fact that I named the foundation after an insect species really does reinforce how important entomology is to me in my life. Some may have an urge to retort that the name does not really relate to a software company other than the obvious „Computer Software” in the name, but Green Darner Computer Software Foundation sounds really awe-inspiring to me, and eventually it will publish entomological software anyway!

The full logo of the foundation. In most instances the logo is separated from the Abduktion Studios logo beneath it, but to promote the company as a subsidiary it is an important inclusion.

The friendly nature of the name is complimented well with the smiling odonate mascot clutching onto the ‚D’ in the logo with his metatarsals. I don’t usually like including my own drawings in professional logos since I lack enough talent to make the drawings themselves look professional, but not only is the dragonfly intentionally drawn simplistically (yet with realistic proportions) and vibrantly, but I feel my drawing style perfectly encapsulates the culture of the company.

The Future of Software Development

Since my entire operation is a one-man show, the creation of this new subsidiary won’t really have an effect on development schedules, techniques, or distribution of my software or its quality. Software from this point on will be branded under the Green Darner Computer Software Foundation name rather than Abduktion Studios, but the latter will still be included in the copyright and legal documentation of all software.

I will create a website for Green Darner, where all my software will be actively published. But, similarly to how the Software section of this blog takes you directly to the program-specific website (such as, my software will still be still be available here, as well as their changelogs and update documentation posted in the blog as per usual.


I know that this news is a little out of left field and direct, considering that I had never hinted at something like this in the past or had even ever mentioned that I was considering something like this. To be honest, this whole idea of subsidizing Abduktion Studios was an impulse I got, but I knew it was the right direction to take things after further consideration. As soon as I thought of the name for the new subsidiaries I’d create, I instantly began creating the logo and other company assests for them. I was even ready to publish version 10 of Batchtastic Music Player, but I delayed its release day back by a day or two to integrate its development into the Green Darner branding.

I hope you can understand the reasons as to why I want to restructure my company. I can assure you that it’s better for its identity and for my continuation of my most dearest of passions. 😁

Stay tuned for future updates regarding the other new subsidiaries of Abduktion Studios, as well for the next generation of Batchtastic Music Player, which will be released very soon!

Thanks for reading!

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